Monday, 30 May 2016

Note to self

Have you ever asked someone how they are and been convicted by their answer? 🙆😯🙊
Sometimes we need to deviate from the norm of answering things like "fine/okay/good/great".
Sometimes we need to be real and proclaim the goodness of God in our lives 😍, we need to testify about His grace that is more than sufficient for us.
A conversation I had recently with a friend changed my perspective totally. So much so that I shared it with my mom and my best friends.

 Lesson? We need to not only proclaim our faith, but show it in the way that we live and the way that we speak.
Remember: You could be the only Bible that someone gets to read.

I wish you guys could be flies on the walls of my conversations these days. Whether with friends, family or strangers. I've purposed it in my heart to seek and speak God in all that I do and I've been amazed by the conversations and lessons that I've been learning. This season is just something else hey. God's really working and bringing the good work that he begun in me unto completion. Well, not really, I'm far from perfect and He's still got loads to do in me. I just want to be a vessel for Christ. And I'm grateful for the people He's placing in my life to aid me along my way.


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