Monday, 30 May 2016

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Happy Monday!

Twice in one day? *gasp* Yes! Just popping in quickly to tell you all that you can now find me on

Just click the link in the right hand column and you'll be able to get notified as soon as my posts go up. *Cheesing*

Thank you so much for the support y'all! We're up to 4420 views as of today!!
Look at God!? *Hands raised high emoji*
Keep your eyes open for something special (you'll know what it is when you see it) coming soon *winks*


Note to self

Have you ever asked someone how they are and been convicted by their answer? πŸ™†πŸ˜―πŸ™Š
Sometimes we need to deviate from the norm of answering things like "fine/okay/good/great".
Sometimes we need to be real and proclaim the goodness of God in our lives 😍, we need to testify about His grace that is more than sufficient for us.
A conversation I had recently with a friend changed my perspective totally. So much so that I shared it with my mom and my best friends.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Embrace your natural hair workshop and other stories

Happy Saturday!

So on this side of the world 25th May is Africa Freedom day and in Zambia it's a recognized bank/public holiday so the whole country had the day off. The ladies of Embrace Your Natural Hair took this as an opportunity to hold a natural hair workshop and what a great decision that was!
The day was amazing beginning with the weather, the venue, he speakers and ending with the lovely goodie bags we left with. I chose to keep my look simple and went with white and nude tones for both my outfit and my make-up. I finished it off with my signature bun and chitenge head wrap.


Friday, 27 May 2016

Feature Fridays: We're together-together

By Chitalu Lamba on

I’ll be honest: I don’t think I’ve ever been around people that are so in love. So much peace and freedom and happiness in one place at the same time. Well today I did, and it was marvelous, I only was aware of what I had been round hours later.

Two people enjoying each other’s company so much, caring for each other. Cinderella and her Prince Charming the night they danced at the ball. That magical feeling, I could feel between these two. *sigh* 😊, it’s left sparkles in me ❤.

They thought together… I bet even their heartbeats were in sync.

They told a very long story ❤

I don’t think there’s a picture or words that could help you fully understand, but be around two people in love and you will know…😏😊

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Personality Traits

Happy Choose Day!

Do you ever wonder why it is you're best friends with the people that you are? Or if you know your best friends that well? Or just if you and your friends are really that similar? I did. And when my sister Chipundu introduced my sisters and I to the 16 personalities quiz I knew this was how I could finally find out. I watched a video clip from a segment of The Real 😍 that said, " at any given time a person has up to five best friends." And I felt like that was so true! Why? Because there are five people in my life that I know are going to weather the storms with me πŸ˜„
So on Sunday night and the whole of yesterday I introduced my friends to the personality quiz, asked them to take it and let me know their results. Pretty simple right? Well that's what I thought, turned out I was wrong πŸ˜‚ The quiz claimed to be about ten minutes long and the results pretty accurate. Most of them did it without a problem and I was so excited to see what personality they'd gotten (and if I was right when I assigned each one of them a personality type). I did have to convince 3 out of 5 of my best friends though *cough cough* Chimy, Fwaya & Grace* that it was crucial that they take it. I may have resulted to blackmail πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but that's okay, it got the job done. Lol. πŸ˜‰

Friday, 20 May 2016

Feature Fridays: Mercies in disguise

By: Kasela Kalebwe

A while back in bible class, we learnt about bad things happening to good people…

It was a pretty helpful lesson, but not one that stuck cause even though I had come across some bumps across the road, many of them I dug up myself, lol. And every so often, I still do.
But more recently, I faced a ‘bump’ that I thought that even I – the trouble maker that I am, didn’t quite deserve. It turned my life upside. I lost my pillar, my beautiful mother. One minute she was shouting at me for not calling enough, and as the defiant daughter, I thought she was being melodramatic and the next she was gone and I sat there like an idiot wishing I had called her every minute of every day. #harshlessonmuch

If I may put it as blankly as I felt, my world turned upside down. The person I would call when no one could understand was gone. And I felt the deepest, most painful loss ever. I prayed so much for what I thought would be Gods mercy to have Him give her back to me. When that request wasn’t being answered, I asked for Him to take me instead. You know how they say, “Can things get any worse?” And then they did… He didn’t seem to agree with my suggestions to fix the problem so I got upset! I got mighty upset with God… And the irony is, it didn’t make me feel any better, if anything, the sense of loss just dug deeper. . .

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Why I'm running again

Happy Throwback Thursday!

Remember when I was being healthy and lost four kilos in four weeks? And how I followed up with tips on how I conquered healthy life struggles? Well......A few weeks into "Vac and Chill" I'd forgotten all about healthy eating and living. Being at home and having nothing to work to tends to do that to me *hides face* but that all stopped this Tuesday. Why? I'm going to run in the MTN half marathon, that's why. Also I feel like as someone who's venturing into the health profession I should be an example and I should definitely know better. So I've changed my diet and I'm exercising on a regular (like every day) basis now. *grins*

Registration details on Page

So about that half marathon. Well, It's been something on my bucket list and something I'd said I'd get done this year. You know those goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Well I do them every quarter and keep track of them by Taking Stock. See here and here. I can't wait till the next one so I can let you all in on what I've been up to.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Road blocks and other stories

Happy Choose Day!!

Have you ever been stuck in traffic so bad that you literally don't move for a couple of (what seems like) hours? Or been cruising along the road only to be caught up in a road block? It's frustrating and annoying right? But being angry or hooting (honking your horn) doesn't get you out of it, no sir. You just have to be patient and let the police officers do their job. And believe that once you get to the front and clear the road block, it'll be smooth sailing once more. That is, until you get to the next

Why am I talking about road blocks? Esp that I don't even have a licence? Lol. Well, I experienced my own version of one this last weekend. See it all begun on Thursday. I woke up ready to do an inspirational post, got to my laptop and pffft, nothing. I kid you not. I was sitting for almost two hours before I decided to rather make it a throwback Thursday post and put out something that I had already done the ground work on. Crisis averted right? No. *straight face emoji* My writers block slipped into a readers block and I just decided to close up everything. To the kitchen I went and it was a good day to make a sweet potato pie :)

Thursday, 12 May 2016

How to: Banana muffins :)

Happy "throwback" Thursday!

So as you know I've been trying out various banana themed recipes over the last couple of weeks. Why? Because bananas are and for some reason I've had a couple of "too ripe" bananas on my hands lately. So rather than let them go to waste, I've been getting creative and trying out a bunch of recipes. My family know not to toss them out now. lol.

The other week I tried out a, wait for it: flourless, vegan, banana muffin recipe.
Yes guys, me! *round of applause*
I was convinced it was going to be bland and dull, but boy was I wrong! Just goes to show that you should never judge a recipe by it's name. *see what I did there?*
Plus it was really special making these because the name "banana muffins" reminds me of the girls in my cell group back in Cape Town. I love those women.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Is that your hair?

Happy Choose Day!

It was mother's day this last weekend and Social media was buzzing with people shouting out their mamma's. I love mine! We spent most of the week bonding and I'll have a Mother-daughter post for you out soon.

So my hair: I know I haven't done an update since I put up my regimen last month but believe me, I have been taking care of it, enjoying it and changing it up. At the beginning of the year I decided I was going to give myself a protective style challenge (along with my castor oil challenge) and keep my hair in protective styles most of the year. It's been going great and because I do my own hair (and have time on my hands, for now), I can switch it up quite easily before I get tired or when I get my three week itch. I've been trying to keep styles in for at least three weeks at a time (to stop my hand-in-hair syndrome) and give it a break for at least one week. You can have a look at the different styles I've had on my Instagram (preview in right hand sidebar)The length retention is REAL! I'd highly recommend this to anyone who's trying to grow out their hair, whatever state it's in; natural, texlaxed or relaxed.

 Snapchat : Mwapssy

Thursday, 5 May 2016

The power of the selfie πŸ“·

Happy Thursday!!

Is it a "thirsty" or "throwback" one for you all?
It's a throwback one for me. And believe me, my gallery is bursting at the seams; just how I like itπŸ˜‰

I'm a big photo taker/collector/boarder as you may have noticed. And I'm not ashamed at all πŸ™ŒπŸ™…, 'scuse me for a second lemme take that photo πŸ“·πŸ˜„. I've been in the selfie game for a while now, remember my post from early last year? My sisters recently voted me and my younger sister "most likely to take a selfie" and my friends know cause they probably have a few selfies of me/staged photos/landscapes I've taken on their phones. πŸ™‹ Hey friends, hey! They understand, blogger tendencies. Lol. (I was this way before I started blogging as well but that's besides the point )

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

How to: Banana Split and other stories

Happy hump day!!

Don't you just love getting to the middle of the week? It means the weekend is just around the corner πŸ˜†πŸ™ŒπŸ’ƒ. So speaking of weekend, happy belated Labour/May day to you all.πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ I hope you enjoyed the gift that was a long weekend. I already alluded to the fact that I did in my last post.

So what did I get up to?☺ Well I had a bomb wash day on Friday with my new haul of Dr. Miracles productsπŸ’‡, then I had a lazy Saturday and baked🍰, so I was in my happy place😊. On Sunday I went to church and got refreshedπŸ™Œ (hearing the gospel message is always amazing), did my cousin Chacha's yarn braids while we watched a lot of t.v. and cooked up a storm🍜🍝🍲. Finally on Monday, after doing the cutest Princess Elsa themed cakeπŸŽ‚, I went on a road trip with some of the youth from our bible class and had the most amazing timeπŸ‘­. Can you say full weekend?

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Most Likely To tag

Happy Choose Day!

It's May already! *gasp* Like, I'm not even going to say that line that you know I like to use, but, serioulsy though? I was only just getting used to it being April. Lol. Hope you had a lovely long weekend? I know I did. Will tell you all about it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I thought you'd like to get to know some of my crazy family. Go family! Whoop, Whoop! Lol, you can take a sneak peak into my life and see why I am the way I am. Whenever I feel like I'm a crazy, I take a look at these guys and automatically console myself. Haha! In the spirit of loving tags, here we go!

From top left: Kalusha, Natasha, Me (obvs lol), Chipundu, Musonda, Chitambo