Monday, 21 March 2016

The Power of Praying Friends.

Happy Monday Loves!

Let's grab hold of the week with both hands and conquer it.
So it may or may not (depending on who you are) surprise you to hear that I do not have a #Squad I have a group of amazing sisters and friends. Remember I mentioned them in my As Easy As Apple Pie post? We don't go around saying #YouCantSitWithUs. On the contrary, grab several seats, invite your friends We're not out getting #Turnt every weekend because we're #NotAboutThatLife but it does #GoDownInTheDM (or our whatsapp groups) and it's #Lit everytime we link up. Our #Goals are to be more like Christ and we strive to Stay in His lane in all that we do.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Note to self

The following post may seem funny but it's not. *straight face* These are real concerns. Lol
Confused foodie.

P.S If you haven't already, go check out my feature on Esther's blog here. And incase you missed it, check out the feature she did in the Meet the bloggers series here.

Have an amazing weekend!

Saturday, 12 March 2016

As easy as Apple Pie

Hey lovely people, happy Saturday!

Hope you had an awesome week? Mine was, a lot for a lack of better words. But I got through it with the help of my amazing friends and family who are the best prayer warriors! *insert hands lifted high emoji* I'll tell you all about that soon, for now I'll just say that God's coming through for us like he always does.

So I was talking to my friend Mwaba yesterday (hey baba!) and she was asking me all these questions about being a newbie natural. Clarification on all the terms that are used in the natural world and all the products that we love/hate. She actually told me to get a post done about my hair care routine and I will, ASAP! In the meantime please be on the lookout next week for a feature I got asked to do by Esther *cheesing* who I featured on my blog a week ago in the Meet the Bloggers series. If you didn't get the chance to see it go check it out here.

Back to the title of this post, you know, in case you were wondering.*shrugs*
Yesterday, I made my first Apple Pie! *double fist pump* It turned out alright, if I do say so myself.

This all started a couple weeks ago after the cookie incident with my mom. You'll know about it if we're friends on Facebook, but long story short I baked a bunch of cookies using my trusty recipe and she ate a whole bunch then tried to blame it on day after that I woke up craving apple pie and googled this awesome recipe. I got it off the food network site but never got round to getting it done with all the other baking I've been doing lately, until yesterday when I decided that we needed something sweet for dessert. I told my friend Wila about it and he encouraged me to take pictures of it because I was "breaking my apple pie virginity" and it was a special day that had to be shared. (he's But I'm glad he did cause now I have some pictures to share with you all.

Final Product

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Meet the bloggers ft Wongani

Hey people!
Happy Saturday :) hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Unfortunately we've come to the end of our Meet the bloggers series and to complete the trilogy I'd like to introduce to you Wongani Ngulube of Pink Ink and Faded Jeans . She's quite the gifted writer and has a way with words (can spin a story like you wouldn't believe). If you're not following her already, you need to be. For now, let's hear her thoughts on a couple of things.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Meet the bloggers ft Ndanji

The next blogger has such amazing style and watching her translate that into the blogging world is everything. I love to see what new looks she comes up with and hear about how she thrifted this and that. It's ingenious and so practical for students and young women all around. She's quite a force to be reckoned with and has a beautiful soul to match that. Let's meet Ndanji of So Ndanji.(how gorgeous is her photo by the way?! Photo credit : Uncora )

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Meet the bloggers ft Esther

Hey party people! Happy hump day :D

I'm so excited for this series, can you tell? Lol. My first blogger is quite something. I was super excited when I first found out that she was blogging an quickly jumped on board. Funny thing is she tells me that she was following me first *blushes*. She's very sweet, very gentle and very loveable. Enough about what I think about her though, that's not the point of this. This is a sneak peak into the face behind Esther A Katongo

I sent her a few questions that I thought everyone (myself included) would like answered. Enjoy :)