Happy "hump" day lovelies!
So as you know I'm a dedicated YouTube watcher. And I don't mean the search for a random video kind, I'm a real deal subbie. I follow various YouTubers on their channels and wait to get notified about new videos. I love vlogs, hair, make-up and food tutorials. The one thing I especially love is the Tags! And I've been wanting to do some for a while, but as I'm not venturing off into the Vlogsphere any time soon, I decided I'd start some up here :)
How appropriate is it to have the first one be a #SweaterWeather tag? If you've read my
Taking stock Autumn 2016 post you'll know how much I love this time of year. And I met someone who's equally excited about it, my (in another life) twin *cheesing* So grab whatever hot drink you fancy and enjoy the read.
By Grace Kubikisha
Favourite candle scent?
I love the smell of vanilla-caramel and autumn leaves. I love the smell of pine in the woods; it's very calming and has an air of serendipity that allows me to escape to an intangible place that transcends physical domain. I call this place "Γranudiamopolis" my place, my secret place.