Monday, 17 October 2016

Motivational Mondays : On (For) women.

Happy Monday!

In a world where women are constantly looked down on, or being put down (by men or other women). A world where we have to fight to be heard/acknowledged. It's comforting to come across pieces of writing like these. On days when God knows I need special encouragement, He always finds a way to send me little love letters through His word. And to think, this message was written oh so long ago, only for me to read it today :). Look at My Daddy God!

Friday, 7 October 2016

Meet the Bloggers ft Chanda Mulenga

Brief Introduction
Long ago (not so long, just February 1995), the people of earth were blessed by the birth of a boy by the name of Chanda Mulenga (aka STC The Producer). I am that boy—well, man now. I am the firstborn and I have three siblings—two sisters and a brother. I enjoy reading, producing music, writing poetry, watching movies, hanging with friends and many other spontaneous miscellaneous things. It’s fun being a little random and/or unpredictable. I’m a Christian and I’m currently in my second year (2016) of study at The University of Zambia pursuing a degree in Computer Science.

Inspiration for Blogging
In all honesty I cannot really remember. I guess I can say some blogs that I read from inspired me and also I love being some kind of open book. Just leaving my random thoughts out there for people to learn from or get entertained. Another inspiration could be due to my composition lessons back in secondary school. My teachers of English really pushed me to develop my writing skills.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

My Hate-Love affair with Adulting

Happy Choose-day!


I'm sorry I didn't get you your usual Friday post, I tried to but, I was adulting.


I've been 23 for all of two seconds, okay it happened about a week ago *cue music*, but I can tell you I definitely feel the difference.
So why now?
Why ONLY now?
Why have I decided to be responsible and adult this year?
Well to tell you the truth, I've asked myself that and had a couple of chuckles about it too.