Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Are you bearing fruit?

Happy Hump day!!

My devotion this morning said:

"What side are you on? That is the question Jesus is asking in Luke 13:1-8. Are you on the side of right or wrong? The right side leads to eternal life, while the wrong side leads to destruction. Jesus' message is simple: all you have to do is repent of your sins in order to have new life. If you don't repent, then you will perish. God does not desire to cut us down, but rather He loves us and desires us to bear fruit. What fruit are you bearing in your life currently? What sins do you need to repent of in order to start bearing the kind of fruit God desires?"

I absolutely loved it. It embodied the three S's: Short, Sweet and Straight-to-the-point.😄
See the last couple of weeks in various discussions with a friend of mine(with the aid of devotions, a couple of powerful sermons and searching scripture) I've been seriously thinking about the Christian life. It's not enough to just proclaim your Faith 🙅 No no no! You need to bear fruit. How are you going to claim to be following the Lord and growing in your walk when there are no fruits to show for it? Are you really growing? Just as the trees grow and eventually begin to bear fruit, so too should we be in our walk with God. 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Power of Make Up

Happy Throwback Thursday!!

Remember the time I did natural tag and had my best friend Mwaba answer all those questions? Then remember the time I did a make-up post myself?

Wellll...... for some reason no one believes that I like/wear make up. Which confuses us both. Lol. She's the reason I like it so much *points finger* and according to her, I spend more time doing mine than she does. Lies and deception! haha, okay...maybe there's a little truth in it.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

My favourite things: Products

Happy Hump day!

I love getting to the middle of the week *grins* Don't you?

So I hope y'all are participating in the Giveaway? If not, where have you been and what are you doing? There's a FREE BIBLE ouchea just waiting to get snatched

In line with that, you guys know how I'm a reformed Product junkie? Yes, yes. We've all been there. Well now I use a specific set of products (the girls in my natural hair group will tell you that I'm a Dr Miracles brand ambassador looool) and I have a set Regimen (see here for details).

Once in a while though.....I get tempted by something oh so special and a week ago Aunt Jackie's products caught my eye. Hair Vitality Zambia were giving away samples of their product line in conjunction with Umoyo and by some miracle I got wind of it. Best believe I told all my Lusaka based naturals. Haha. They agreed to partner up with me for this (Thanks Guys!) and I was so excited.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Milestones,Motivational Mondays and other stories

Happy Monday!

Mid month already right??? I can't believe the month is flying by so quickly and we're fast approaching the next one. *gasp*!

Sooooooooo you know how I've been MIA? Well....drumroll please?
I'm soo excited to announce that the blog has gotten to a whopping 5000 views! *squeels*


You guys have been absolutely amazing and the response these last couple of months has been astounding. We were literally at 1K at the beginning of this year. And 2.5K a few seconds ago. Tjo! So thank you. Just thank you. And to show my appreciation I'm announcing:

A 5K Giveaway!!


The instructions are pretty simple:

☆Follow us both on blogglovin'
☆Follow our instagrams: @mwapsy @temzie4sho
☆Follow our blogs
☆Follow Afropop on fb
☆share the poster up on your social media with the hashtag #5kGiveAway
☆And leave a comment below letting us know why you think you should win.

Competition ends 30th June and the winner of the Bible to be announced on 2 July! Note that this is open to international viewers as well! So get to it!

Stay tuned for more!! And go check out AfroJungle for a feature I did in the Motivational Monday segment ;)


Friday, 10 June 2016

Feature Fridays

Happy FriYay!

I know I've been a lot quiet this month, I hope you'll forgive me, but I've been pretty busy and I'm planing great things for the blog. More on that on Monday though.

Today's Feature Friday is one of my high school friends, such a star and a fellow sister in Christ. I was so hyped when I found out she was blogging hey. It was so fun to reconnect and start encouraging each other once more. She's alway been a little crazy (see picture below. lol) and a tech lover(our computer studies class was hilarious!) and this is cleary translated in her creative blog; It's got some amazing segments that I absolutely love! Like the Motivational Monday and the Foodie Friday ones. But enough from me, here she is

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Mother - daughter dates

Happy Throwback Thursday!

So almost a month ago was mother's day. And the week leading up to it daddy was out of town on a missions trip so mummykins and I painted the town RED. Lol, just kidding. That's what we want you to believe. We actually just chilled and did some errands most of the time.

On the Wednesday we went to the mall (Manda Hill) because mummy had something to do in the bank, so I took this as an opportunity to pick up my besty Chimwemwe (she's also my mum's best friend. lol) from her job for lunch. Cause it's important to treat your faves once in a while. That and it was lunchtime. Haha!

After some deliberation we decided that we wanted a proper meal, not fast food, and we went to  Curry in a hurry