My devotion this morning said:
"What side are you on? That is the question Jesus is asking in Luke 13:1-8. Are you on the side of right or wrong? The right side leads to eternal life, while the wrong side leads to destruction. Jesus' message is simple: all you have to do is repent of your sins in order to have new life. If you don't repent, then you will perish. God does not desire to cut us down, but rather He loves us and desires us to bear fruit. What fruit are you bearing in your life currently? What sins do you need to repent of in order to start bearing the kind of fruit God desires?"
I absolutely loved it. It embodied the three S's: Short, Sweet and Straight-to-the-point.😄
See the last couple of weeks in various discussions with a friend of mine(with the aid of devotions, a couple of powerful sermons and searching scripture) I've been seriously thinking about the Christian life. It's not enough to just proclaim your Faith 🙅 No no no! You need to bear fruit. How are you going to claim to be following the Lord and growing in your walk when there are no fruits to show for it? Are you really growing? Just as the trees grow and eventually begin to bear fruit, so too should we be in our walk with God.