Thursday, 31 December 2015

How to lose Four Kilos in Four weeks : Holiday Edition

You remember how i was wondering how I gained weight? Well...I think it was somewhere in between all the fries, Mc'flurry's, quick meals, study snacks and exams. It's quite unusual for me and I didn't even realise it (probably because I was busy sitting around in my chitenge) till some of my clothes didn't quite fit Such struggles.

Much to the opposition of people around me who said. "What weight?" "But it looks good on you" etc. I decided to lose a little at the beginning of my vac and like the title says I'm down four kg. *grins* Here are a few Dos and Don'ts that I think are helpful for anyone embarking on a journey of their own.

  • Do it for yourself
  • Don't be pressured into losing weight for others
  • Do weigh yourself at the beginning and set a realistic weight loss goal
  • Don't weigh yourself everyday, you'll go mad
  • Do what works for you, jog, walk, mini home work outs etc
  • Don't over do it - your body can only take so much
  • Do drink a lot of water - it keeps you hydrated and happy
  • Don't drink instant weigh loss things - you'll feel the effects later
  • Do have a cheat day once in a while - ice cream is my go to cheat treat
  • Don't make everyday cheat day - exercise some discipline and self restraint (it was hard!)
  • Do eat healthy -fruits and vegetables are everything
  • Don't stuff your face with all sorts of things at parties - step away from the deep fried chicken 
  • Do eat smaller portions
  • Don't starve yourself
  • Do have a weight loss buddy - thanks a'sisi!
  • Don't pressure everyone else around you to do it - no matter how good you think they'll look
  • Do keep record of your journey and celebrate your accomplishment
  • Don't celebrate yourself back to where you

Any others that I forgot? Please let me know.

Happy New Year to You and Yours.


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