
Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Taking Stock: Summer (Rain) 2016/2017

Happy New Year!

I know I'm a little late to the month late.
I'm doing that thing again..*face palm*
You know, where I plan to get a bomb post out for you all, start up on it and leave it half way through..
..because you know, school. And cause I'll get back to it as soon as I can but then I look at the calendar and  we're at the end of January ๐Ÿ˜ข.

Forgive me?



So where do I begin. So much has happened with me over the last few months so I'll get you up to speed with a taking stock post.

Making: More progress with my to do lists these days! *whoop whoop*

Cooking: Sweet Potato fries this evening๐Ÿ˜„, if I ever get home that is๐Ÿ˜’

Drinking: Coffee and water because what more does a person need?

Craving: Butter Chicken and naan. I've missed Indian food!

Reading: Solid Joys Devotional by John Piper. Every day.๐Ÿ˜‰

Writing: Notes, (future) posts and love letters to

Playing: Radio Christian Voice. I love that I can stream it here too!

Wasting: This is a hard one. 
Umh, I'm going to say opportunities to blog, cause I've been slacking๐Ÿ™ˆ

Waiting: All the time these days.
Currently waiting for my housemate to get back.

Sewing: Nothing right now, but I've been Pinning a few things that I'd love in chitenge and there's a skirt I've been meaning to get done since I wore it for a shoot in December.

Enjoying: I was enjoying vac, because I seriously needed the break after the semester I had. But I'm secretly loving being back at school with new stuff to learn ๐Ÿ˜‚

Liking: How 2017 is going so far. The blessings, the surprises, the lessons ๐Ÿ˜ 
I have high hopes for this year.

Missing: These people. I see their faces on my phone home screen everyday and I'm pining for a reunion with them soon.

Loving: That January is finally over! Can we talk about how long this month is๐Ÿ˜

Hoping:  For new adventures, and new growth. 

Needing: A cute rack to hang my clothes on at my new place.
As well as a few DIY stuff to brighten it up.

Smelling: Vanilla and coffee

Wearing: More and more skirts, that and rain friendly shoes.

Following: Med school vloggers for inspiration ๐Ÿ˜

Noticing:  That there are hardly any African med school bloggers/vloggers. 

Knowing: That I have three more months before finals and the end of academic year. I don't know whether to be excited or worried.

Thinking: About introducing some new content for aspiring African medics 
*Watch This Space*

Feeling: Excited! This month marked my Second year as a blogger and Third year as a Natural!!

Bookmarking: Actual books with actual film index stickers because colours make studying more 

Opening: Tabs. lol My browser is a mess of social media  (I'm on my study break)

Giggling: At some of my old posts like this one and this one


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