
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

I Am A Zed Blogger Challenge : How To Survive In The Jungle


As I mentioned in my last post, I recently joined the #IAmAZedBlogger Challenge because I am just that; a loud proud Zambian blogger hoping to make my mark and have my little voice heard.
This Month's post is titled "How To Survive In The Jungle" and it came with this little quote,
"Africa is not for sissies, but if you make it here you can make it anywhere."
I believe that is so true and while it may be applied to many areas of life, my challenge today is to let you all know how I make that quote work for me in the big bad blogsphere.

*roaring in the distance*

While trying to navigate my way through this "Jungle" I've picked up a few survival tools that newbies and seasoned explorers alike may find useful.


  • Don't venture off into the Jungle in the dark.

          You do not want to go wondering into the world of blogging without:doing a little research, having a solid plan, and a vision. That's like going out into the jungle without a flash light, a weapon  or worse, without a clue on where the path is. Sounds silly right? But it's oh so true and you best heed this little piece of advice, no matter how good you may think you'll be.

  • Ask the natives for help.

          And by natives I mean experienced You may just be hearing about the blogsphere and are amazed by the little map before you, but that doesn't mean you need to go and get yourself lost. There are people out there who've been doing it for ages! They know ALL the tips and tricks. Just ask them for help.

  • Be sure to let people know where you are.

          So you've started up right? You've got a couple of posts up but no readers. Now what? Well you've got to let people know where to find you! They can't guess. Just like when you're leaving home/heading somewhere you let people know where you will be/are, the same principle applies. Put links up on your social networks, add the URL to your blog on all your platforms and get people to subscribe so they're alerted whenever you post. Do the most! Just put yourself out there. You are your brand. 

  • In case of an emergency, alert the search party.

          There is a search party, it's called a blogger's forum. Ask all the questions you can. Like when you're stuck on how to change a font or layout. Or on how to make your posts linked to your pages like vines in the trees. You could do it by yourself, but who wants to go through all that tedious work when there are plenty of people on hand to help you? Not this girl! Please feel free to drop me a comment/send me an email, I'll be happy to help where I can.

  • Adapt to your surroundings, what/wherever they maybe.

          It's one thing to say you're a blogger, but it's another to act like one. You know how when you go camping or out into the wild you have to dress appropriately and know your surroundings? Well it's the same with blogging. You need to know how to stand out, capture people's attention and keep them reading.
Know when to stop.
Know when to carry on. And always know what content you want to post. 
Unlike Vloggers, you'll only have your words and pictures to represent you.

  • Play nice with the other explorers

          Yes kids. Just like in Dora the explorer (I'm sure you've all watched that one time or another) you're going to come in contact with other explorers *read bloggers* from time to time. Network! Make friends! Play nice! It's a tough world out here and getting noticed without collaborating, doing features; being featured; promoting other people's posts or even just leaving supportive comments; is even tougher. Just like in the real world, you'll all need each other from time to time and a little niceness goes a long way. 

  • Enjoy the adventure

          You're here! You made it. And there's a whole adventure that awaits you. Choose your path wisely. Though following other people's paths may seem like the safe thing to do, it won't be an adventure unless you carve/mark out your own. Plus, no one likes a copy

P.S If you haven't seen my "Truth Behind Blogging" post, for my initial thoughts on blogging as a newbie, go check it out here. And if you want to see any of the other bloggers I follow just take a look at the right hand column and you'll find what you're looking for.


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