
Saturday, 5 March 2016

Meet the bloggers ft Wongani

Hey people!
Happy Saturday :) hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Unfortunately we've come to the end of our Meet the bloggers series and to complete the trilogy I'd like to introduce to you Wongani Ngulube of Pink Ink and Faded Jeans . She's quite the gifted writer and has a way with words (can spin a story like you wouldn't believe). If you're not following her already, you need to be. For now, let's hear her thoughts on a couple of things.

Could you give me a brief introduction of yourself?

Hi there! I'm Wongani Ngulube commonly known as Wong. I'm an artsy creative soul trapped in accounting profession...for now.
smile emoticon

What inspired you to go into blogging?

I've loved to read and write for as long as I can remember. I'm also a proper chatterbox so blogging is a perfect outlet for me to channel all my energy haha. I have a friend, Sepo who has a when she asked me to check it out I was like wow!! This is really good! Hmm...I wonder if I could blog too? Thus it began.

How did you pick your blogging platform?

She is on wordpress too so it was simply *click click click* lol. I only discovered other platforms later but I was already at home.

The content of your posts has such depth! Where do you find inspiration for your posts and how do you come up with the topics?

I get inspired by events and experiences in my own life. It's not that exciting but I love blogging so even the smallest things can get spun into something if I just put my mind to it. Now that I've been flung into the corporate world, I am trying to fit it in with my creativity. So a lot of my inspiration comes from trying to figure all that out... and this whole adulting thing that comes with the territory.
wink emoticon

Who is your target audience?

My target audience is anyone really. I'd imagine it would be mostly girls and such but I have a couple of male friends that are a huge support and I've been surprised when they say they read a post lol. So I try to keep an open mind.

What is it like being a Christian blogger and what ways does that affect your posts (if any)?

It's funny actually...I never actually intended for it to be so 'evident' in my posts. Some days I feel really low etc and when I start to write I'm thinking...uh oh...this is going to be so depressing! But by the end of the post I am able to see the silver lining and I get a word that just sums it up. I'm always just That's God. It helps me too cos some days I'll read an old post and think did I write that?!
smile emoticon

Which bloggers do you have on your reading list and if you could meet one of them who would it be?

Sepo of, Kamota of, Joey & Rory of and Audrey of (to mention but a few! There are too many!)
if I were to meet one it would be Audrey! her life sounds so exciting! And I love her pictures and brutal honesty.

Where else on social media can we find you?

I'm on twitter and Instagram @Rustic_Reign for both. and on Facebook too.

Any words of inspiration for the readers?

Words of encouragement....dream BIG!! as Barbara Johnson says, dream with goes by really fast! So spend it doing what you love and lots of it! Also life is beautiful if you make the most of it. It's definitely not always easy but it's totally worth it. Love people, love yourself. Love God
smile emoticon x

Thank you soo so much for agreeing to do a feature and answering my questions Wong! You're amazing. All the best in your journey and we'll be following all your progress :)

What a great way to wrap up the series (Zambian edition). It's been fun getting to know the ladies and getting into the mind of other bloggers. If you haven't seen them please be sure to go back and read the previous posts that have features on Esther and Ndanji.
Keep an eye out for more series to come.


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