
Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Happiness is...

...a good book and a cup of coffee.
Or a yummy butterscotch latte in my case.

There's really something special about slowing down, getting stuck in a book and smelling [read drinking] coffee. And on a lovely Tuesday morning in a little corner of the mall I found a place where I could do that.

Life's been so busy and I've had so much rushing around to do that I haven't really had an opportunity to slow down and enjoy a moment amidst all the hustle and bustle of the world. Being introduced to my new favourite place was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It allowed me to drift off into my secret place, to forget all that was going on for a moment and to learn a few lessons hidden inside the gem of a book I picked up. It also didn't hurt that I was on the most comfy couch surrounded by the most gorgeous smells you can imagine. Food speaks to me you guys. (It also allowed me to write this post, how great is that? #Winning)

It actually shocked me how full the place was. To quote my friend Tumi, "Dont these people have jobs/go to work?" Lol, I laughed to myself as I remembered that when she too had to rush off to work after our quick chat/catch up. But I totally understood the attraction when I sat down and tried it out for myself after she left.

I actually wished I'd brought my journal and bible with me so I could have my quite time and just spend a moment with God. Perhaps I'll do it another time if I get a chance to, and go on a date with him in some other secret serene place I discover. I did however remember to thank him for keeping me busy and for the little bursts of sunshine he's kept giving me even in the storm of life. Gotta keep counting those blessings right?

I don't know how/where you guys wind down or touch base in the midst of your rat race, but I'd really recommend that you do. Remember, Psalm 46:10a "Be still and know that I am God;" and find your peace in the chaos. It'll do you a world of good.

Thank me later


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