
Friday, 7 October 2016

Meet the Bloggers ft Chanda Mulenga

Brief Introduction
Long ago (not so long, just February 1995), the people of earth were blessed by the birth of a boy by the name of Chanda Mulenga (aka STC The Producer). I am that boy—well, man now. I am the firstborn and I have three siblings—two sisters and a brother. I enjoy reading, producing music, writing poetry, watching movies, hanging with friends and many other spontaneous miscellaneous things. It’s fun being a little random and/or unpredictable. I’m a Christian and I’m currently in my second year (2016) of study at The University of Zambia pursuing a degree in Computer Science.

Inspiration for Blogging
In all honesty I cannot really remember. I guess I can say some blogs that I read from inspired me and also I love being some kind of open book. Just leaving my random thoughts out there for people to learn from or get entertained. Another inspiration could be due to my composition lessons back in secondary school. My teachers of English really pushed me to develop my writing skills.

Blogging Platform
My current blog is hosted by Google Blogger. It’s not my first blog though. I’ve experimented with different platforms including WordPress as I was looking for a niche to write about. I guess I leaned more towards Google Blogger since I enjoy their services.

Blog Niche
I love to write about pretty much anything that sparks creativity. It could concern music, photography, technology, or life hacks. As long as it inspires me, or anyone else, to be creative, I’ll write about it. If we were to talk more about specifics, I don’t really have one particular topic I’ll write about since a number of things interest me creatively.

Target Audience
My target audience is anyone willing to think outside the box. This is something I endeavour to do every day and hope to inspire others to do the same. Also, I feel what I write about in a particular post will interest a certain group of people and not all people. So in short: anyone willing to listen/read.

Being a Christian Blogger
I feel being a Christian blogger is awesome! Period. I mean, I get to write about what I believe in and since I’m writing about my faith, I’m encouraged to get my facts right before I let them out for all to see. This affects me in two ways however. The first being that there is some sort of expectation people have for me concerning what I’ll write about. I don’t really want to meet anyone’s expectations; I want to be real and transparent as possible when I get onto my keyboard. The second effect is more of an opportunity—an opportunity to use my life and aspects of my life to share my faith and connect with others.

Blogger Reading List
I have quite a number of bloggers on my reading list, each depending on what they blog about; some for music, some for tech stuff, some for dreadlocks (since I have them) and other more random stuff. I could cite a few:
·         The Recording Revolution blog by Graham Cochrane which contains content mostly about music recording and production
·         Desiring God blog by John Piper for Christian content
·         TechTrends Zambia blog managed by Chisanga Chimpala for tech updates
If I had to meet any bloggers right now, it would be these three.

Social Media
I’m practically all over social media. One of these would be Twitter; my handle is @stc_110 and on Facebook people could find me on my fan page: STC The Producer. YouTube will feature on this list pretty soon.

Words of Inspiriation
I would encourage the readers to challenge themselves from time to time you know. To get out of their comfort zones and do something that they’ll enjoy and that could possibly help others too. In summary:
·         Normal is overrated, be different

·         Created awesome to create awesome

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