
Friday, 15 April 2016

Holy Spirit Contact High 😆🙌

Happy Friday lovelies!

So yesterday I wasn't feeling too eager to share my devotions or some of the amazing posts I'd read on one of my favourite blogs with my Whatsapp groups like I usually am. Why you ask? Well, I'd been sharing the last couple of days and had started getting the feeling like I was being too much? Or too preachy? If you know what I mean.

But then, I stumbled across this picture...
...and I knew it was directed towards me. So I shrugged off my "negative nelly" coat and got to sharing, then headed to bed.

This morning when I opened up my Whatsapp I found a couple of messages thanking me for sharing and a very touching voice note from Mufwaya - one of my best friends (yes when you're really blessed, you can have more than one 😛). And guys, tjo! I'm still coming down from the #HolySpiritContactHigh that I got from listening to her explain her experience and the encouragement she gave me to keep sharing, even when I didn't feel like it or think that it would touch anyone.

How insane is that? See the devil was trying to get in the way of such an amazing thing. He was: trying to stop me from being a vessel for God's word to be passed on; and trying to stop a testimony from being born. He was deceiving me into thinking I shouldn't share when somebody out there really was depending on me to. And boy am I encouraged! God managed to minister to both Mufwaya and I, and I feel refreshed and revived enough to continue sharing even the littlest things that I come across. This isn't the first time He's done it though. There have been several instances in this new season where I've shared something with my praying friends only to hear that one of them had been reading/thinking/listening to the same thing and God was using the same spirit to minister to us despite our different locations. Ain't that amazing? Look at God people, LOOK AT GOD! 😍

So how is God using YOU today? Are YOU responding to His call? If you aren't, I hope this encourages and convicts you to.

P.s. if you want to check out some of the things I shared just click the links below


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