
Thursday, 25 February 2016

A new season

As we know a change in season is a part of life. We're never stuck in one season for long and with the change comes life, death, growth and so much more. "God never made us with the intention of staying the same."

We see it in weather patterns. Going from Spring to summer to autumn to fall and back again. We also see it in life, growth is inevitable and the beautiful babies we see today will be terrible toddlers soon. Children become teenagers and young adults finally grow up and have children of their own. It's the same for our  spiritual lives and the passage in Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1-8 explains the different times and seasons that we go through.

For some time now I've been in a transitional period in my life. One season ended and I was waiting on another to begin. I can't tell you how excited I was for it. It was my spring after what felt like the winter of my life was over. I was so ready to bud and bloom and show everyone the work that had been going on in me during wintertime. That although my leaves and fruit had fallen away, my roots were spreading and gathering nutrients for the time to come. I thought I knew exactly where I was supposed to be and was equipping myself for the work to come. I was excited and expectant for the things that God was going to do for and through me in the year in THAT particular place. (I can even tell you stories of the amazing things that He did in that short time). See although I was ready to progress and had so many good intentions, the problem was that I was praying on my will and telling God where I should be and what I should do. I forgot the most important thing, to seek Him and find out what exactly He wanted me to do and where He wanted me to go.

He caught my attention in the biggest way though, you know, like God does when He has to. The pause button was pressed on my life and within a couple of weeks I was literally being uprooted and planted somewhere else. I couldn't understand it at all. There was quite a bit of crying and asking God how I was supposed to do what He wanted me to do if I wasn't in the place to do it. A lot of trying to find my way out of it in my own strength also took place. It wasn't until I truly spent time in His word and in prayer that I got a peace about everything. I knew that He'd never allow anything that wasn't in His will for me to happen and I submitted to that. I'd been so worried about how He was going to use me until I was reminded by a friend of mine that "God doesn't only work here" and I laughed at myself. I also read a devotion this morning that said "Let God send you out through His storm, and don’t go until He does. If you select your own spot to be planted, you will prove yourself to be an unproductive, empty pod. However, if you allow God to plant you, you will “bear much fruit” (John 15 v 8)." Lol, felt like it was speaking right to me and reminding me that I'm where I am for a reason.

This was my new season. I was being taken out of my comfort zone and like I told my friend I'm expectant for all that will come with it. I'm listening to the voice of God in my life for instruction and can't wait to share of His marvellous works. The goodbye wasn't easy hey. You can only imagine the tears that were shed (courtesy of my favourite people lol) and the loooong last hugs that were given. Don't even get me started on how hard it was to pack up all my things. But 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 16 - 18 says to be joyful always and to give thanks in all circumstances and I can say that I am truly in that space. I did spend all of my first week away moping and missing my people, living out of my suitcase like I was due to go back any day *hides face* but I'm glad to say that with a little prayer, some nudging and a lot of prayer I'm out of that and moving on full speed ahead. I even got unpacked and made my new space very me :).

"Life takes you unexpected places. Love brings you home." ~ unknown

I hope you'll enjoy my new journey with me.


  1. I can so relate to this post. This is beautifully written . Gods timing is perfect, his plans are the absolute best.


Let me know what you think :)